The World as One


Julie of Light Omega


A new energy is covering the Earth.

It is transforming the molecules of physical matter and uplifting the consciousness of all. 

It is infiltrating the structure of the material world and bringing about changes that will create greater life and light within time and space.

This new energy is the Divine Breath of God, held in the embrace of physical matter in a unity of wholeness and integration.  It is not felt independently of the human experience.  It is felt through the human experience - both physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Its purpose is to set mankind free.  Its goal, to return to each and every child of God the full range of Divine motion that is inherently a part of being human, and the full depth of knowledge of identity and selfhood that holds life to be sacred and oneself to be part of a greater sacred Whole.

Moving silently as a mist that is only visible when looked at from a certain angle of perception, the new energy is infusing consciousness - the consciousness that is, and the consciousness that has been, with new perspectives and new options for the future. It is subtlely and surely conveying to the hearts of all that a new way of life is coming into being, bringing the expansive freedom of more life into the landscape of current life.

This sacred and unheralded mist penetrates to the heart's core.  It will transform all of life, relationships, expectations, hopes, and possibilities for mankind.  It will create a new picture of the possible.  It will broaden and deepen the way in which 'ordinary relationships' are conceived.  It will give new meaning and depth to the understanding of  love.

Each soul that bends to become one with this emerging reality is being lifted into a new state of awareness within themselves, one in which old limitations and distortions are revealed and healed, and in which new vistas open out.  One in which old identities, based on personal and biological history are gathered together into a new unity, housed within the sacred wholeness of one's inner Divine being.

Each one who seeks to feel the incoming tide of the Breath of God is finding themselves breathed through by the new beginnings of this time of unfoldment.

For the new energy of Divine Breath comes on the soft feet of the mist itself.  It is carried on the wings of angels and the Divine intention of other beings of light that enhance the flow of what is taking place.  It is breathed in by the hearts and souls of all. 

Arriving soundlessly, it moves without force and without the need for coercion or even attention, for its power is the power of love and of comfort, and its place within the heart is therefore assured. Its  action will move the inhabitants of the Earth to a new consciousness – an awareness of Divine being living in and through all of physical life, as the world is made whole and the new life of a sacred planet comes into existence.





An Awakening Earth

The Horizon of Expanding Consciousness

The Cosmic Moment

The Awakening of Truth

The Rising Sun


Article Section -  Earth



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