Welcome to the Reflections of Light Calendar, with one hundred and eighteen messages intended to uplift, inspire, and comfort. This Calendar is part of the new reality emerging on the Earth. Its aim is to bring light and love to both body and consciousness and to awaken the heart and soul within.
Reflections of Light are available as daily e-mailed messages. It is recommended that you spend a few minutes each day in a meditative way with that day's Reflection, allowing it to seep into your consciousness and connect with whatever spiritual truth it resonates with.
Here are some selections from Reflections of Light:
All that you are, and all that you will ever be,
exists within you as a seed that will one day bear fruit.
This Divine seed contains all possibility within itself,
enabling whatever you imagine as possible
to be possible.
This is the gift of Creation.
The hand you extend to others is the hand you extend to God.
The heart that you give to care for the world
is the heart you share with God.
Prayer is a song you sing to the Beloved.
Though the melody may be forgotten
and the words half-remembered,
the heart knows how to sing without music.
It knows the Source from which all music comes.
If you would like to receive the Reflections of Light, please use the signup form below. When you sign up, you will immediately receive an e-mail asking you to CONFIRM your subscription. PLEASE WATCH FOR IT. Once your subscription is complete, an e-mailed Introduction to the Reflections will be sent to you. The first day of the Calendar will arrive one day later.
May these Reflections of Light deepen your awareness of the sacred and holy reality that you are part of and that lives within you.
With blessings and gratitude for your being here at this sacred time - Julie Redstone
Note: This Calendar is also available as a PDF e-Book in the Light Omega Bookshop.
Note: For other Light Omega Calendars see Pathways of Light.
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