Moment of Suspension
We look into the unknown of Time
and feel afraid of seeing nothing
but our own reflection,
no certainty, or image, or guideline,
or path to follow.
“I shall lead them by a way they know not”
defines this moment of suspension,
this ancient declaration of a way
through fear when the past has ended
and the future has not yet begun.
This is the time of revelation,
in which the invisible hand of the
Eternal reaches out to our inner knowing,
waiting for us to grasp it,
to abandon the mind and its fears
and to side with the heart and its eternal
This is the safe shore of our existence,
the knowledge that the heart carries
that defies reason and the illusory certainty
of the visible,
to rest entirely in the Invisible,
the truth of our soul.
We cling to this truth,
and bring to it every breath that we take,
that our breathing itself may be
infused by the messages of the Invisible
and the voice of the Invisible,
this voice that tells us that we will be brought
safely home.
– Julie of Light Omega –