
Neglect not my precious Earth,
    or her streams and rivers,
    or her mountains and valleys,
    or her people.
For want and neglect have characterized
much of humanity's attention to the Earth,
    and to the treetops and burrows that
    are the homes of her smallest creatures.
Neglect is a sad thing,
    for what is neglected feels unloved,
    and unloved it becomes less vibrant
    and alive.
Instead, vow to contribute to life
instead of detracting from it.
This is what your sacred heart knows how to do.
Bring more life to the Earth's life
    and watch the blossoms that shall
    come of it.
Bring more life to the Earth's people
who are barely surviving
    and watch the blossoms that shall
    come of that as well.
Wherever there is neglect, open, ask,
and I will guide you into the truth of
    what needs to happen.
Place yourself in My hands
    and open your heart,
    that no longer shall My sacred Earth
    or her people be neglected.
– Julie of Light Omega –