Behold a new Earth arising.

The light within each one is being born.



Julie of Light Omega

All of life beckons you into sacred relationship – the trees, the grasses, the animals, the souls of all whom you meet.  All of life reaches to you for the response of your heart, for the response of your inner knowing, for the response of your deepest truth.


Sacred life, the life of the Earth and of all that exists within the vast universe, calls to you to recognize it, to honor it, to celebrate it, to join it.  Only the history of three-dimensional reality has created narrowed vision.  It has created a view of the world as solid.  It has created the perception of aloneness.


None of this is true, beloved.  None of it corresponds to your heart’s deepest knowing.  Your heart knows that it is part of something vast and mysterious, something that fosters life and is life.  Your heart knows that the world is much more than it appears to the physical senses.  It feels the miracle of birth everywhere – of children, of flowers, of animals, of stars.  It recognizes the creative power behind all of these births and knows that life is ongoing – it comes from somewhere and goes somewhere.  It is flow.


The rational mind has been empowered to define reality according to the physical senses and organs within the brain.  However, the rational mind is not the source of deepest knowing.   Your inner being, to which you are always connected, is the source of deepest knowing.  You are always there.  It is always with you, however covered over it may be.


Celebration of life cannot come from the rational mind.  Celebration of life can only come from the Mystery.  It can only come from the perception of the power of life that moves in miraculous ways to create newness where none existed before.  Celebration bears witness to the miraculous.  It bears witness to the miraculous life of the Earth and of the heavens.  It bears witness to the joy that arises from your very own heart when your own child is born.  Celebration of life comes from the Mystery and remains in the Mystery, attuned to the Source of life that is the Source of the Mystery, whether recognized or not.


All of life beckons to you to respond to it, to engage with it, to be in relationship with it.  All of life reaches to you, calls to you, asks you to be present.  Fear closes down the ability to hear this call.  Self-protection inhibits the reaching out to others.  And yet the ‘others’ are continually reaching out to you.  They are angels, and guides, and helpers on all levels of spiritual reality.  They are devas, and spirits of the streams, and spirits of the trees, and of the Earth.  God reaches to you as well, directly, intimately, within the stirrings of your very own heart.


Blessing may be felt by those who walk in the stream of holy life, who recognize the life that is everywhere.  Blessing may be felt by those who open their hearts and ask to feel the oneness of all - who ask for an end to separation and to be part of the All.


It is a matter of reaching out your hand, beloved one.  Touch the trees with your hand.  Touch the leaves with your fingers.  Touch the air with your breath.  Touch the sky with your awe and wonder.


You are already there.  You are already home.  You are already part of All-That-Is.


Related Writings:

Respect for Life

The Sacred Human

Holiness of Your Inner Being

Gift of the Holy (Video)

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