Awareness offers choice;
Choice offers the way of return.
FORGIVENESS AND 'I AM' Guruji-Ma So much of healing has to do with self-forgiveness, often even more so than with forgiveness of others. This is because one’s own mistakes and shortcomings are often more apparent to the inner eye, even if they are held secretly from others.
Self-forgiveness involves several things: first, freeing oneself from identification with past mistakes with an intention, held in God, that the root causes of these mistakes be healed with God's help. Secondly, self-forgiveness involves a willingness to walk humbly before God, knowing that past errors may crop up again and again and must be met with a new intention to become pure and light-filled so that all can return to the natural state of one's deepest being. Thirdly, self-forgiveness involves letting go of the dichotomy regarding being deserving or not deserving of God's love and blessing. This is often the most difficult shift to achieve, since it can involve a leap of faith that even the most intransigent errors of the past can be redeemed through a new identification with one's own Divine core and relationship with God. Central to this transition is the willingness to let go of thoughts, often fueled by energies of darkness, concerning ones worthiness to receive God's love. In place of this debate, one substitutes the fervent and frequent re-iteration of the statement, 'I Am,' meaning:
'I Am' is the powerful affirmation and anchorpoint that one may cling to when self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness assault the self. These feelings, fueled by darkness, must be let go of and replaced by this statement so that one's true identity in God can be supported and the misperceptions of the past can be released.
All other debates about whether one is forgivable or not can be resolved through the dual assertion of the desire to release the past and to center within a new identity as a pure child of God, and through the affirmation of 'I Am.' The truth of the divinity of each soul lies in this awareness, and it is a truth of the soul that can carry the power of healing to both heart and mind. Within the practice of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others lies the full measure of return to the Divine core of ones being. It is a choice and a movement that each can make, knowing that redemption is available to all.
Related Writings: Goals of Purification: II. Discovering the Essential Self
AArticle Section - Purification "Maintaining Alignment with Light" |
Artwork - See Mandalas of Life