Awareness offers choice;
Choice offers the way of return.
THE VIBRATION OF THE HEART IN A TIME OF DARKNESS Julie of Light Omega The vibration of the heart and
of its love in a time of darkness is the way through and the path to follow. The power of
deception can misuse words and ideas to convey the 'concept' of love or of goodwill, but when the vibration of the heart is missing, one wonders why one's own emotional
response is lacking. This is because words are not feelings, and the
vibration of the heart, when not connected with words, leaves the impression of emotional coldness despite words to the contrary.
Related Writings: Spiritual Bridges and the Heart's Journey False Guidance and True Guidance How Do You Know You Are Safely Being Led?
Article Section - Purification "Maintaining Alignment With Light" |
Artwork - See Mandalas of Life