Light Omega YouTube Channel

Complete Video List with Text

Path of Awakening Videos

LIGHT OMEGA PRODUCTIONS makes available more than seventy videos on YouTube that draw together the power of music and the power of image to enhance the spiritual awakening taking place now on the planet. These videos, created by Julie, offer an opportunity to experience the soul level of one's being and the intimate heart connection that can be felt with the Divine.  In addition, they offer an educational vehicle for conceptualizing the vast changes that are taking place on a planetary level to physical matter and to the bodies of all that lives on the Earth.

For those interested in planetary awakening as a specific focus, a group of videos related to this topic can be found here.

For those interested in receiving the Path of Awakening Video Series by e-mail, click here.

We are happy to share these videos with you and look forward to hearing from you if you wish to share your response.  Blessings - Light Omega


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