Julie of Light Omega

Dear Beloved One,

Because of the expansion of light on the Earth today it is a time in which many are experiencing great need, some with the external circumstances of life, some with the feelings that are welling up within them.  At this time of global purification it is important to remain anchored in light and in the larger spiritual perspective of your soul. 

Your request for guidance from Julie should be from the heart and should explain the situation you are dealing with.   Only a sincere desire to receive a message is needed.  There is no cost for this Divine service of Julie's, however, if you are able to make a donation to Light Omega we request that you do so as an expression of reciprocity for what you are receiving and to help us continue our work.  You may do this through PayPal using the link below.  If you are not familiar with the light and compassion of Julie's responses, you  may wish to view the Messages archive.  

With all love and blessings.  May your concerns be received into the light.  LIGHT OMEGA



Please Note: Once you receive a response to your Request, it is most helppful to sit with it in silent meditation or prayer for a while to absorb its energy as well as its content.

Requests for 'Messages of Light' that you send may be shared anonymously along with Julie's response in our archive of messages or in collected eBook format. This has been found to be extremely helpful in the past to others in similar situations.  To protect anonymity, your name will not be used, and any specific identifying characteristics will be altered.  If you do not wish this, even anonymously, please indicate such when you write to Julie and your wishes will be honored.



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