Articles and commentary regarding the inner side of world events
January 23, 2008



The time is NOW that each soul who cares for the future of America and of the world is being called into service by the Realms of Light to take part in daily prayers on behalf of the governments of the world.  Please read below...


Beloved Ones,

    A call has gone forth from the Realms of Light for all who care for America to involve themselves daily in the full manifestation of light during this year of the presidential election.

    We are being asked to participate in a vast and unprecedented effort to lift the people of America as well as her leaders to a new height of awareness of spiritual truth and light, so that their thoughts, feelings, goals, and voting behavior will rise to the level of their soul and spirit, and so that God's Divine plan for the Earth can be made manifest.

    ALL prayers for the outcome of this election in service to the highest principles of Light and to the wellbeing of all nations are needed at this time.  ALL prayers will join with the prayers of the Realms of Light to infuse the consciousness of America so that the Divine spirit that lives within all can become the paramount authority on truth and on virtue within those who are seeking to be leaders in this country.

    For those who are not accustomed to regular prayer or meditation, the Divine call has gone forth that now is a time when it is most needed, for the anchoring of light on the physical plane must take place through the embodied efforts of those who can carry and transmit light to the Earth, along with those Beings within the higher realms who support and are part of these embodied efforts.

Please take the time, at this very important time within America's history and the history of the world, to take part on a daily basis, five minutes once or twice a day, to immerse yourself in the invocation below. 

    Normally, such prayerful invocations can be a matter of the heart and can remain silently enfolded there, to be nurtured by feeling and thought as they arise naturally.  However, in this time of great need, those who are comfortable doing so can assist even more with manifestation through reciting the words offered out loud.  Such recitation adds the energy of voice to the energy that is already embedded in the words themselves.  

    Even for those who lead busy lives, five minutes a day may not be too much to ask in order to further God's purposes for this country and for the Earth. Please ask your heart to let you know if this is important and if a way may be found for you to take part.

    The following prayer is an adaptation of a much longer invocation offered by the Realms of Light and received through Patricia Cota-Robles.  Some of the content is also different, as is the energetic resonance.  Reference to the full invocation can be found by following the link at the bottom of this page.

    As we recite this prayer, let us understand that we are simultaneously invoking light's presence on behalf of all humanity:


    Beloved Father-Mother God,

    Within the higher level of my Divine consciousness, I know I AM One with the divine Heart and Mind of God, and One with every man, woman and child. 

    Within the silence of humanity's unified Heart, and on behalf of this Oneness which contains every person on Earth, I now affirm the following prayer with One voice, One breath, and One consciousness of pure Divine Love:

    I AM a Beloved Child of God and one with ALL that is.

   As one who acts on behalf of ALL Humanity, empowered by Divine Will and by the sacred Presence that lives within, I have the ability to expand the Divinity within every person's Heart. I therefore now focus the full power of my attention on the immortal, threefold Flame of love, will, and wisdom that blazes within each heart, and invoke the Divine Presence of every soul to take command of this activity of Light now, in service to the One.

    Beloved Father-Mother God, come and assert your holy authority within me and within ALL Humanity.

    Show us how to reverently, humbly, and gratefully express the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom, and will in our lives. 

    Assist us as we seek to act in perfect accord with Thy Will, trusting the manifestation of all that is needed. 

    Manifest in full reality, the 'Invocation for the Earth and Her Nations', as I join the single Heart of all mankind to offer this prayer:


    We, the Children of Earth, humbly come to the Heart of our Father-Mother God to invoke into the physical plane of Earth, the most intensified activity of God's Will ever manifested in the history of time.

    We invoke the Legions of Light serving this blessed Earth to absorb this divine Essence into every fiber of their illuminated Beings, and to project it into the heart, consciousness, mind and emotions of every person associated with the governments of this planet at every level.

    May the Cosmic Flame of God's Will blaze through each of these souls, and clear away any destructive activity of their own free will which might rush in to impede their conscious desire to do God's Will.

    Help them to remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and of Life and to BE God in action at ALL times.

   Seal all governmental positions, individually and collectively in the radiance of Thy Love and Will.

    Reveal through the Flame of Truth, the divine Purpose and Plan for each office and each individual, and give to each person the spiritual courage and desire to fulfill that plan perfectly.

   Let the Will of God be MANIFEST in, through and around all the governments of the world, now and forever!

   Let the  light of God that is always victorious illumine and lead ALL Humanity everywhere!

    At this pivotal time in America's history, let the Will of God also manifest within the hearts of those aspiring to government leadership, that these hearts may fulfill the Will of the Divine Presence within each, in service to the greatest good of all.

  Beloved Father-Mother God, I consciously ACCEPT this MANIFESTATION NOW, even as I call it into being, and I give thanks for what has already been given.  Blessings and Amen.  


Offered by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose,   Adapted by Julie Redstone.



You may also wish to make the above prayer, or a version of it,

a preface to the weekly One World Meditation.

You may also adapt it, if you wish, to make it more your own.



    In addition to prayer, for those interested, you are invited to look at the following articles which are pertinent to the time we are in and to an understanding of what we are being called to do:

The Heart of Humanity - A Time of Remembrance 

The Desire for Change and the Fear of Change in America

Becoming a Majority of One

Is America Ready for Gentleness? 

The Human Family - An Idea Whose Time Has Come 

America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation 

A Pivotal Time in American History - A Spiritual Perspective




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    The above article can also be found at One World Meditations as can many more about world unity and the transformation of consciousness.  If you visit that site, please consider signing the new Guestmap so we know who and where you are, and taking part in the One World weekly Meditations.

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