Many are facing personal circumstances today which involve dealing with the unknown in significant areas of life. Surrender to the unknown involves trust in the invisible. It involves a connection with one’s deeper self that holds the truth of Divine reality.
This is a time in which much is changing and much needs to be let go of. A new energy of light is transforming the Earth and calling to itself all that can resonate with it, asking that all that cannot be let go of. This is the reason for all the letting-go-s that are taking place. On one level it is about receiving the new. On another level it is about being willing to trust what is happening even when the new has not yet made itself visible. It is the interim between letting go of the old and the arrival of the new that creates a passage into the unknown, a passage that is essential to the embodied self in its deepening relationship with God.
Surrender to the unknown involves trust in the invisible. It involves a connection with one’s deeper self that holds the truth of Divine reality. Such surrender is most difficult for one who has become accustomed to relying on their own efforts in life and on the sense of control that they have brought. For such a person, ‘doing’ in order to bring things about, has been a central feature of life, and waiting or feeling helpless for even short periods of time has been highly avoided. Yet, even where the emphasis on control has not been a large part of the conscious self, even then it has been part of the unconscious self. For the human experience as it has evolved over time has given the ego great power to manage life, and this power has been used to insure that what one desired could come into existence through one’s own effort and will. Now, in the presence of great change, that ego-will must be surrendered to the will of the soul, and whatever helplessness or waiting occurs must be embraced for whatever period of time becomes necessary. This is not a proscription for passivity, but for waiting in a state of Divine trust where this is needed.
Learning to trust the unknown is not so much a spiritual practice as a calling of the soul. The soul holds the truth of God’s reality since it is part of that reality. It also holds the truth of God’s goodness. No matter what the outer picture of life, the soul holds the truth of Divine love. In the presence of the unknown and before the new has manifested, many souls are being asked, today, to trust what has not yet appeared - to hold within themselves a feeling of safety based not on external reality but on an inner knowing. Such a connection with one’s soul knowledge is being called into being today. With light expanding on the Earth, it is becoming increasingly available to those who seek it.
The primary obstacle to trust in the unknown is fear. Fear emanates from the personal self that has become accustomed to predictability. Now, when much is not predictable, the personal self may suffer greatly and want to make things predictable once again. Sometimes, this is possible, but often it is not because something new is coming into being, and great forces are at work on both personal and planetary levels to create change.
Fear, when it occurs, may be addressed by seeking fervently and frequently to connect with one’s deeper self, the place of inner truth, the life of the soul. This is the task that many face today and it is a spiritual task of great importance. It creates the possibility for living with uncertainty without fear, knowing that the uncertainty itself is part of the changing reality that is coming into being, and that it can be held with God, not apart from God.
All who are faced with the need to trust the unknown, today, are facing these dilemmas, and all are in need of both outer and inner ways of holding whatever situation they face, with the inner means being the more important. Many are being called to surrender more deeply and are aware of this calling. Many more are being called to surrender more deeply and are not aware of this calling. Yet, whether conscious or not conscious, for all inhabitants of the Earth a new relationship with Divine reality is coming into being, and each must make the choice as to how to participate in this new relationship. For the Earth it is a new awakening, and for each one who lives on the planet it is a personal awakening to the truth that lives within their own soul.