In an election year, many words are used to display convincing arguments and these can sway those who operate solely on the level of the logical or practical. Buta country does not guide its policy on the basis of practical ideas alone. It is guided by the predominant values that are held by its leadership and these are the values of mind, heart, and soul which give rise to the solutions that will ultimately be found to the practical problems that face a nation.
In the course of the months leading up to the presidential election this November, many things have been said by each candidate, many claims have been made by each about their own capabilities and the deficits of the other, many values attributed to 'the American people' that each claims resonates with their own point of view.
Now, it is time for the true 'American people' who are the people from all walks of life, those who 'understand' politics and those who do not, to examine their hearts to see what beliefs the heart holds concerning the 'truths' and 'facts' that each side in this electoral contest offers.
The heart needs to be consulted not about the facts themselves, because these are often in dispute and what one side claims as fact is met by a different set of facts offered by the other. Only extensive research of one's own would allow a conclusion on the mental level about the facts. Yet, there is another question to be asked about the facts presented that cannot be answered on the mental level. It is: What energy of mind, heart, and soul is each candidate holding in presenting their point of view? What alignment is most prominent that will guide them if they were to assume leadership of this country?
In order to consider this question, it is important, first, that fear be dispelled that may be influencing one's perception. Fear takes many forms, and in its strongest form can lead to a feeling of desperation. Where fear is the driver of one's emotions, the heart cannot be a good judge of truth, for it cannot feel its own light. Whether it is fear of an insecure future, or fear of a loss of personal freedom, or fear of another kind, where fear is, true perception cannot be.
You may not think that your heart can answer this question concerning the energy of mind, heart, and soul that each candidate is holding, but this is a matter of trust, not of capacity. For your heart, in the absence of fear, can intuit when someone is speaking from their mind and relying on intelligent arguments, when they are speaking from their heart with a deep sense of caring, and when they are speaking from their soul with a vision that they are holding on behalf of all Americans.
The energy of mind can use words well and create convincing arguments based on 'facts' in support of a position, but the warmth of the heart may be missing or partly missing, and therefore the ability to truly speak on behalf of the 'American people' must be limited by this factor
The energy of heart can be impassioned, but if it is only impassioned with the energy of love lacking or partly lacking, then it cannot lead a nation, any nation, toward the sense of unity within itself that all nations require in order to be viable entities and in order to truly move forward in solving their own dilemmas.
The energy of soul, when present, conveys hope and a vision of the future. As a visionary energy, it creates an image, understanding, and feeling for a nation's potential - what it may become. Such an energy invites all to participate in that vision. Indeed, because such a vision is soul-based and light-based, it connects with the light in others and invites them to find the ideals within themselves that they most resonate with and to give life to these ideals. Such visionary energy, to truly represent the soul, must also be connected with love and unity, it must be non-exclusive, or else it leaves itself open to distortion.
In an election year, many words are used to display convincing arguments and these can sway those who operate solely on the level of the logical or practical. But a country does not guide its policy on the basis of practical ideas alone. It is guided by the predominant values that are held by its leadership and these are the values of mind, heart, and soulwhich give rise to the solutions that will ultimately be found to the practical problems that face a nation.
A true leader integrates the energy of all three components of selfhood and unites them in a way that gives to each part strength and clarity so that it can work in harmony with all the rest. A true leader is not heart, or mind, or soul, but all three united in a harmonious form. Such leadership is essential in order that the widest number of people can be served by this leadership, for the aim of such leadership is truly to serve all.
In the process of growing spiritually, one comes to a new capacity to discern truth in others, not merely within the political arena, but within life in general. Often, this is referred to simply as 'intuition,' but what one calls intuition is often a reading of the energy currents of the deeper levels of self from which a person is speaking. Those who have grown somewhat in the ability to hold light within themselves, become more capable of taking such a reading without consciously trying to do so. They feel the truth and register the energy of mind, heart, and soul that another speaks from, and thus know whether what is being said can be trusted.
It is with this sense of attunement that one must confidently turn to one's heart during an election time, asking, what is the reading that my heart is taking concerning the inner source from which this candidate or this person is speaking? What degree of love and truth do I feel is present?
Your heart, attuned to its deeper wisdom, knows the answer to this question, for it is a matter of your deeper experience that does not require the mind to know. If you can listen with your heart to the energy of mind, heart, and soul with which arguments are presented, whether in formal debates or not, you will know something significant about the nature of leadership and about the kind of leadership you wish to see assume the presidency in this election year of 2012.
All blessings to you. Light Omega