BEING WITHOUT WATER - The Interaction of Events and Consciousness
Events and consciousness are not separate. They are linked, not one promoting the other, but each acting as both a cause and an effect of the other. Here, the event is meant to be a further 'awakener' to the fragile status of what we take for granted.
Many around the world have followed the unfolding chapter in West Virginia where citizens were without useable water for weeks, following its contamination by the run-off from a coal-processing plant. The tragic consequence of what may appear to some as an unfortunate 'accident' or incident' is that, but it is more than that. For such 'accidents' are not accidental. They cause us to not only sympathize with those who, in this case, had no water to drink, bathe in, wash with, or prepare food with, but also, however briefly, to imagine ourselves in a similar situation of doing without.
Herein lies the interaction between physical reality and consciousness. As the Earth purifies, those practices that are detrimental to her health must be brought to our awareness, sometimes through conscientious caretakers of the Earth who promote a new outlook and seek to bring it about through legislation and other means, and sometimes through incidents such as the one in West Virginia which announce to our waking awareness that the very substance of life that we take for granted - water - may be in jeopardy.
Events that create catastrophe on both small and large scales are not 'accidents.' They are not random acts of 'Mother Nature.' Rather, they are efforts by life itself to restore a much needed balance to our awareness concerning what to pay attention to and what to give importance to.
This event, as the one in Fukushima, Japan, and others before that, is more than a 'wake-up call.' For there have been many 'wake-up calls' by now. It is, in its bringing into focus our own intimate connection with the most basic habits of daily life, helping to make us aware of the balance of responsibility and awareness that must be restored to ourselves and to the Earth.
Events and consciousness are not separate. They are linked, not one promoting the other, but each acting as both a cause and an effect of the other. Here, the event is meant to be a further 'awakener' to the fragile status of what we take for granted.
May this unfortunate event cause people everywhere to become more aware not only of the fragility of maintaining the Earth's water in a state of purity, but also to the possibility that those things that we take for granted as just 'there,' without our having to look after them, may, in the next moment, suddenly change or become unavailable as a source of daily sustenance.
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