Within our individual lives as well as within the political arena, the energy of polarization prevents love, kindness, and compassion from appearing as values. It prevents our hearts from having a voice. And it reduces our common humanity to something that has no space, no room to come forward.
Polarization - two endpoints of a spectrum that share the same quality in opposite measure, for example: hot-cold, light-dark, sharp-blunt. Polarization as an energy creates the perception of distance between two perspectives, qualities, characteristics, or points of view which come to appear to us as opposites. These perspectives may not actually be opposites, and they may not actually be located at the ends of a spectrum. However, our consciousness places them there in keeping with the feeling of irreconcilable differences with others.
Such a perspective encourages division and dis-unity. No matter how realistic it may appear to our minds or senses, it moves our awareness toward a belief that there is no common ground with others, no way in which to share, join, or cooperate, in a manner that serves all interests. The belief that there is no common ground can easily create the view that others are 'the enemy' or that they are fundamentally so different from us that communication or cooperation is almost impossible to conceive of.
Polarization as an energy is opposed to love and unity. Where there is the possibility of accord it creates discord. Where there is a possibility of the harmonization of diverse interests, it creates disharmony. Where there is the possibility of trust in the good intentions of others or of another, it creates distrust. At root, its purpose is to maintain division and separation. Its success in doing so is achieved when we believe that no meeting of opposites can take place, and that we must protect ourselves even from the possibility of this.
At the same time as polarization creates the perception of opposing points of view, it simultaneously creates fear of the 'other' with whom one cannot sense an essential commonality. This fear can give rise to anger, self-protection, withdrawal, hopelessness, and the many seemingly intractable situations that exist on the world stage between nations. Such impasses exist also between individuals where communication in relationships breaks down because it feels impossible for it to continue. Wherever we are led to believe that there is no common ground with another human being, we have lost faith in what some call our common humanity, and in what others call the Divine core of our being, the core that lives within all.
Within the United States at this time the energy of polarization is having a profound effect upon relationships between Congress and the Administration, between those of the conservative 'right' and the liberal 'left', and between individuals who begin to accuse each other with a virulence and aggressiveness that invalidates the idea that each one is seeking to serve in a genuine way, that each within some part of themselves is seeking the common good.
We cannot afford to give ourselves to this energy as if it did not matter. Within our individual lives as well as within the political arena, the energy of polarization prevents love, kindness, and compassion from appearing as values. It prevents our hearts from having a voice. And it reduces our common humanity to something that has no space, no room to come forward.
The energy of polarization is sweeping through this land and as we witness it we have the choice to be swept along with it, or to affirm our own desire to be spokespersons for love and unity, for the belief in others, no matter how different their point of view may be, and for the preservation of an ideal of 'e pluribus unum,' - out of many, One.
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