GLOBAL PURIFICATION - Light and Darkness
This Newsletter was written following the bombings by Islamic militants in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016, and on the same day the address by President Barack Obama to the people of Cuba during his visit there. This visit held the purpose of establishing greater unity and common purpose between two countries who, for decades, had known only mistrust, alienation, and impasse.
We witness, today, on the world stage, powerful forces at work, manifesting in events that we try to fathom, that we try to understand. These forces of light and darkness are part of the global purification taking place now. They have different ends in mind and use different means.
Forces of light expand the properties of love and unity. They seek to build bridges where none may have been possible before. They seek to find common ground among groups or peoples that have divergent cultures or beliefs.
Forces of darkness seek to create disruption, to erect boundaries between 'us' and 'them,' to portray the world in terms of friends and enemies, and to create an atmosphere in which unity is difficult if not impossible.
All that is of the light brings consciousness into greater wholes, into greater inclusiveness based on the principle of love, even when apparent differences or conflicts continue to exist. All that is of darkness brings consciousness into greater fear, fear that requires the building of more defenses and barriers, fear that leads to exclusion rather than inclusion.
We witness, today, on the world stage, a deeply sad but remarkable coalescence of these two forces operating simultaneously in different parts of the world - in the tragic bombing within Brussels, Belgium which claimed the lives of so many and affected the lives of so many more, and simultaneously in the groundbreaking movement initiated by President Barack Obama in Cuba, a movement which exemplifies the principle of seeking unity even while acknowledging divergent values and perspectives. This is the landscape of global purification, and we can choose to respond to it with a depth of awareness that allows both deep sorrow and gladness.
Terrorism, and the horrific acts it has given rise to, is the outer expression of forces of darkness that have found means within susceptible souls of justifying the abandonment of the heart's deepest orientation toward love and unity, replacing these with the pursuit of division and destruction. In addition to the great tragedy this brings into the lives of multitudes of people, it is also a tragic loss for individual souls who have subscribed to the manipulations of darkness. For these souls are also tragic, having lost touch with their own hearts and with their own humanity. This does not justify their actions. It adds to the tragedy.
In relation to the presence of light, wherever there are situations in which common ground is sought even in the presence of fear, suspicion, and distrust, there, too, will love have the possibility of growing and eventually of joining what may seem like it cannot be joined.
We, as a people, One within the One, are being called, today, to stand for the principle of bridge-building as an affirmation of light, even where distrust and fear appear to predominate. We are being called to this not only within our world view but within our individual lives as well. We are being asked to be courageous, to side with that which is more difficult but truer, to place our faith in the invisible rather than to side with that which is easier because it is more apparent. We are being asked to believe in the potential within any situation for the good of all to manifest. This becomes increasingly difficult in situations of outright rejection, hostility, or violence.
All that is has been created in Oneness, and we choose with our thoughts, words, and actions to either give ourselves to the principle of building bridges such as the one presently underway in Cuba, or we are influenced by the experience of fear which seeks to create boundaries, distrust, and distancing. We choose with our thoughts, words, and actions to lend our presence to the forces of light and to the principle of light through our wish to create good in the world, even in the presence of darkness
We have come here at this time in history to participate with the forces of light that are shaping the future of the Earth. We have come to stand for the principle of love. All who seek to do this are supported in this task by great forces of light present on the Earth today. These forces shall continue to be of support as events unfold within the momentum of global purification and as light expands upon the Earth. May all inhabitants of the Earth be blessed.
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