It is easy in this time when light and darkness are both present on the Earth in significant ways, to be influenced to forget about love as a power and a force for change, and to think that it is ineffective or unimportant and that true power results only from actual force...
In this current election year in the U.S. we are at a crossroad. It is a crossroad that has to do with valuing our heart and love above all other motivations or persuasive arguments that may compel us in favor of one candidate or another, arguments that may appeal to our mind, to our reason, and to our deep wish to feel hope for the future, but not to our heart.
Our heart can register the energy of love that is present in another, and we must look for it if we wish to have as a leader one who has access to their own heart. Love manifests as kindness, gentleness, a wish to share, an absence of force, respect for all, a sense of compassion, a willingness to assist those in need, a desire to uplift others. Love is a force for good and a force for change, and in its absence one gravitates to the use of other measures of force as if they were the only reasonable ways of achieving one’s goals. It is this way, in an extreme example, that violence becomes justified, and in a less extreme example, that denigration of others or the refusal to accord others equal respect becomes justified. In a less obvious way, use of the intellect which replaces love and can mask its absence can come across as a ‘seeming’ to be loving through the use of language that represents love. However the warmth of the heart is often missing, even though the words are there.
It is easy in this time when light and darkness are both present on the Earth in significant ways, to be influenced to forget about love as a power and a force for change, and to think that it is ineffective or unimportant and that true power results only from actual force, whether verbal, physical, or military.
This is never the case. Even in situations where force seems to be the only answer to conflict, it is not. There is always another way. But one must believe this and must pursue this with one’s whole heart. Without sufficient trust in love, it is relatively easy to be persuaded that safety, security, the preservation of economic stability, and even the preservation of democracy rely on our rejecting others, acting harshly or indifferently toward certain groups whom we deem ‘inferior’ or a ‘threat,’ or condoning violence in relation to other nations because it seems ‘necessary.’
It is very important to recognize that forces of opposition to light can create an absence of awareness that love is missing in the presence of a particular speaker, leader, public figure, or candidate. We hear the right words, and are persuaded not to notice that our hearts are not feeling the warmth behind these words. We need to listen more carefully. We need to believe in ourselves and in our own discernment more. Often, our discernment about where love is more present and where it is less present is operating well and we have a sense of things in relation to this, yet we invalidate our own sensibility. This, too, can be influenced by forces that are opposed to light. In such an instance these forces can persuade us that we are not thinking correctly if we do not believe someone’s words. They cause us to doubt ourselves.
In the presence of the current purification that is taking place within this country, we need to love more, to believe in love more, and to trust our own capacity to feel when it is present and when it is not. This is the surest guide to finding those spokespersons, leaders, and representatives that will truly be servants of the people. A government that truly serves the people is a government of the heart, and such a government, when it comes into being, will not feel apart from us. It will engender the feeling of being the best part of us.
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