That all may live as One

Reflections on the Village Unfolding

Village of Light Journal
Robert McIlwain
entry written on May 7, 2017


I feel moved to be more clearly discovering, and also articulating, some of the principles and ways of being together that we are finding as a Sacred Earth Council, that are drawing us more deeply and fully together as a community. This is happening because of all teachings and love we have been so blessed to receive, and to practice, over time.

I have felt it happening this past week, in particular through my experience of the grounded spiritual work of the CSA committee as we seek ways for us at Light Omega to join as a community with Brookfield Farm. What is being created, in how we are doing this, are ways of being and working that honors All: the Earth; the soul of each person and the gifts each brings; the current place a person is in their life and what feels right to them or what they feel ready for; and the visions of living in harmony with one another and Earth that live within each of us, and steps we can take to bring that into being. It is the Divine within us, and the Divine we are a part of, unfolding as we seek individually and together to become what is most whole and true, and loving.

Below are some of the themes that I have become more clearly aware of as we have been meeting together, and also working between meetings towards creating something new. I have felt these things, as well, in the other committees, groups, meetings, conversations, and gatherings in this recent time. These themes are not new, as they reflect the growth of consciousness we have been learning about over time, be that the past several months, or over many years. But it is becoming clearer to me in how to enact them, how to help bring them into being, as part of the grounded process of manifesting together on the Earth. For we are learning to embody the vibration of love, the practice of ‘do no harm’, and of the unity of the many as one as expressed in the sacred motto ‘e pluribus unum’. It is a deep and profound joy for me, to experience our coming together in unity, with love and respect for the soul of every being, and to be beginning to establish new ways of being and living on the Earth, in harmony with All.

Blessings upon this endeavor.

Blessings to every being on the Earth, and the Earth herself.

And blessings toward all the generations to come.

* * *

Here are some of the simple yet profound principles and ways by which I feel us working and being, individually and together, that have some quality of template that I feel can be helpful as we learn to co-create with the Divine of which we are, bringing the new into being:

- Holding a higher vision or blueprint toward the future, that you hold within you, that aims toward harmony with Earth and each other


- Listening to the needs and wants and inspirations that each person expresses, and encouraging this from each person


- Together, drawing upon what each person brings, and honoring where each person is

- Stabilizing the process through attunement with what feels right to the Heart, and sharing together in this attunement - and re-attunenment whenever needed

- Divining together what feels right, guided, true, and/or possible...
- Seeking the unity and integrated whole, that that can be brought into being, now

- Seeking to organize and create it in its wholeness, where each part shares part of the whole, and the whole is integrated within itself and within the greater whole

- Expressing what you have brought into form, and inviting people to participate in this according to how they feel to

- And, with Joy, moving forward to witness and support the unfolding of what is being created....

It is so Divinely wonderful, to be part of, and to be an instrument of, Creation unfolding..



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