Awakening of the Earth in Light



Pray for those who hurt you; pray for those whom you hurt.  Let none be exempt from the forgiveness of your heart.  

Pray for those who hurt you that they may grow in light, and pray also to be free from hurt, for the You that is All is perfect and whole.

No matter who you pass during the day or who passes you, be in relationship with them. This is the truth of who you are, whether visible or not.

All that is, is responding to your inner desire to learn and grow.  Feel the blessing in this, for it is bringing you home.

Look into the eyes of another and see the depth that lies therein.  From that depth there is music playing, the song of the soul that waits to be heard.

Blessed are those who seek not to gather riches for the self but to give riches to all selves, for they shall realize true wealth.

The places where resentment or blame still color your thoughts or actions are the places where you must bring more light into your life.  These are the places of greatest growth and greatest opportunity. 

If you cannot join with the suffering of others, then you cannot experience yourself as one with all.    The heart must become able to hold pain as well as joy so that whatever is part of the human experience becomes part of you as well. This is the nature of a love that is becoming Divine.  

All that you are and all that you will ever be lives within you now.  You are a flower in the state of unfoldment, and all stages of that unfoldment are taking place at the same time.  This is the basis for hope, for what is longed for most deeply already IS.

Seek the light within you.  Seek the truth within you.  Cling only to the light and truth of your inner knowing for it will guide you home.

What is your gift to life?  It is to be your self in the truest possible way.

The hardest thing is to see oneself clearly, for habits of thinking prevent a clear point of view.  This is the task produced by light: to discover beyond thought and feeling one's own inner being - the presence of the timeless.

In the old days I said:"Come to Me and rest, for I will grant you peace."  Today I say: "Seek Me within yourself, for there I Am, Source of your very own being."

The unity of All contains the plane of duality, not separate from the rest but part of the rest.  It is on this plane that redemption shall prevail so that all that knows itself to be separate shall know itself to be One.    

To release habitual ways of being one must embrace the unknown, allowing un-knowing to replace knowing and trust to replace understanding.

Let the world have its own view of things and others have their own perspectives.  Cling only to the light of truth within you and let it guide your

The world is trying to come to terms with the question of self-interest, namely, when do I look out for myself and those closest to me, and when do I look out for others whom I do not know.  This is the question for our time.





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Photo - Bahman Farzad