Sacred Light, blessing the Earth




A new way of cooperating is coming into being.  It is built not on the efforts of individuals to overcome their differences through argument, debate, heated discussion, or the provision of evidence for one point of view or another.  This new model is not built on the premise of adversaries meeting to compromise, with each seeking to have their perspective gain adherents, or to secure as much of a foothold in the compromise as possible. 


Instead, the new form of cooperation is built on the premise of oneness - on the idea that for every issue and every problem, there is a resolution within a higher level of perception - a 'meta-level' - that allows for the effective meeting of the needs of all without anyone having to gain a victory over any other. 


This new premise takes the medium of human interaction and discussion to a new level of perception and of truth.  It imbues the human, physical level of discourse with truths that can only be found within the dimension of spiritual guidance, the dimension of the soul.


Such a process of cooperation cannot fully flower at a time when both individuals and groups continue to identify primarily with the outer, physical dimension of who they are and what their struggles are about.  It can only come into being when consciousness is aligned with a higher and more potent reality – one in which all needs can be met.


This 'alignment' (the 'lining up' of one's embodied, physical self with the soul level of identity) and the process by which it is arrived at, and the results that derive from it, is the basis for the new mode of cooperation and for the society of the future.  It is not based on one gaining an advantage over another in any negotiation, but rather on the understanding that there is no advantage that can be had for anyone if one individual or group does not have their needs met.


A step toward the realization of this new paradigm is taken today in the group or global meditations that are becoming more widespread, especially where these are directed toward achieving a common purpose, shared by all concerned.  This common purpose defines the 'work' of the group.  It channels the energy of thought and intention in the same direction.  The purpose, and the process of alignment by which it is achieved, is the effective means for creating the social structures of the future.  It ultimately insures that the world can live at peace.


'Alignment' is based on the perception of a sacred Oneness to which all belong as souls that is the Being and consciousness of a single divine Source.  Whether referred to as God, Allah, or just as Source, this holy Consciousness is presumed to be the origin of all love, light, and truth.  It contains within Itself the means to achieve harmony in any situation.


Aligning with this Source involves a shift into one's higher identity - a shift achieved through love, through a willingness to let go of outer concerns and prejudices, and through the ability to participate in  the higher realms of light through the purification of one's consciousness, emotions, and body. Such purification is fundamental to  the ability to align with a higher Source, since without it, the lesser self which may include emotional energies that are not part of the soul level, becomes more influential, and separation of oneself from others is the result.


Alignment does not require a particular set of beliefs about the Divine in order to be effective, only that the Divine and sacred realm of the holy exists, and that all of life is part of it.  Also, that this Divine realm contains the capacity to infuse all that manifests on the physical plane.


The practice of alignment is occurring today among many who seek access to the higher realms who have already claimed their spiritual identities.  For the rest of humanity, the understanding and awareness of the soul level of being is an idea in process – an idea that is developing roots that has not yet fully taken hold. 


The present meditative and prayerful endeavors of a group or global community to bring energies of peace and light to the Earth are significant steps toward this new consciousness.  Each endeavor brings souls together in common purpose.  It encourages them to shed the primary identity of the physical plane and to reach for their higher-Self identity.  It asks of each to release all emotions other than love.  It causes both heart and body to open to the higher realms of light which can, when the opening exists, radiate the blessings of light from the higher planes to the realm of the physical.  This infusion illuminates and uplifts those who are capable of receiving, and has an effect on humanity as a whole.


Through the process of reaching upward toward the higher dimensions of spiritual light while at the same time extending outward toward others in love, profound spiritual connections can be created between people.  These energetic connections strengthen with each spiritual effort, and are capable of transforming the Earth.


It is with this in mind that it may be time now for each one who has a desire for planetary transformation, to join a common meditative or prayerful effort, to learn about the process of alignment, and to begin to deepen the understanding of purification so that the world, even now, can be filled with the higher energies of light and love.  While this transformation is taking place in any case on planetary and cosmic levels, it is quickened greatly by the participation of each individual consciousness that joins the collective  Whole.  For each expands the synergy that exists among all.  Each is connected to every other.  Because of this, the deliberate effort of even one to bring a measure of love and blessing to the Earth can have an unexpectedly great and beneficial effect upon all of human awareness.


May all who seek to help the Earth realize, even now, the greatness of their own potential to do so.  And may the collective consciousness of mankind move ever more quickly into the realms of peace..


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