ABOUT GURUJI-MA One World Meditations is the beginning of a vast enterprise for uniting people all over the world in common purpose and in common understanding of their unity as brothers and sisters in God. The work of Guruji-Ma in relation to this union is to establish the energetic and conceptual foundation for such a way of life, with full support from the Realms of Light who are engaged with her mission to the Earth on multiple levels. She brings with her the common understanding which transcends all religions and all points of view about who God may be, and adheres to the knowledge that unity is based on the awareness of all as souls, an awareness that can be transmitted through the body as well as through the heart and mind. Guruji-Ma's work in helping to establish One World Meditations in 2008 is the extension of a vast effort on the part of those who assist the Earth to bring together all who are consciously desiring to create a network of light on the planet, and to unify this effort through a common bond that localizes in a particular location and expression. Though this bond is felt and supported today by many all over the world, the generation of One World Meditations and the extensions of this that shall follow, are fulfilling the purposes of bringing the highest vibratons of light to the Earth in keeping with the needs of this time. With all love and blessings - the Realms of Light
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