Podcasts by Guruji-Ma

Below you will find the list of podcasts of talks by Guruji-Ma beginning in May, 2013. They are listed as 'Talks by Julie' until August, 2018 at which time her name changed and a new Divine name was given.  Many podcasts are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality.  For new podcasts (audio) and webcasts (video) of Guruji-Ma's talks, you may wish to subscribe to the Podcasts and Webcasts Mailing List to receive notices of new offerings. There is no charge for this though a donation in the amount of your choosing is requested.

See Special Section on Yoga Center Amherst Talks


List of Podcasts



153. Our Attitudes Toward Money - Listen - 27:45" (August 11, 2019)

The energy that flows through our life as money is no different than all the other spiritually-sourced energies that flow through our life. In the expression of our purpose for being here, we interact with many energy flows. Yet, in relation to money, fear has colored much of our history, fear that needs to be transformed into trust.


152. Generosity as a State of Soul - Listen - 12:08" (August 11, 2019)

If we could understand that we do not truly own anything, not our bodies, or our lives, or our property, we could loosen our grip on what we have, and share it more freely with the world. If nations could do the same thing, not having to hold onto possessions but feeling safe in sharing, the world would be a different place to live in.


151. The Roots of Self, Pt. 2 - Helping Others - Listen - 5:33" (July 28, 2019)


150. The Roots of Self - Listen - 26:22" (July 28, 2019)


149. The Willingness to Not Know - Listen - 5:28" (July 25, 2019)


148. Meditation-on-Compassion - Listen -21:47" (July 21, 2019)


147. Discussion-Pt.3: On-Non-Violence - Listen - 6:43" (July 21, 2019)


145/146. Discussion Pt. 2: On-Having-a-Body: Energy-from-Others - Listen - 3:01," or expanded version: Show Me the Way - Listen - 6:44" (July 21, 2019)


144. Discussion Pt.1: Changing Beliefs - Listen - 4:20" (July 21, 2019)


144. Discussion Pt.3: On Not Judging Oneself - Listen - 3:47" (July 21, 2019)


142. July 4th: The Freedom to Be - Listen - 28:22" (July 7, 2019)


141. A New Republic Coming into Being - Listen - 9:38" (July 7, 2019)


140. On Separating from Strong Emotions - Listen - 3:44" (June 23, 2019)

Suspending identification with particular emotions is often very difficult since emotions are perceived as most real and as who we are. This is based on our long history of identifying with them in order to grow. Release of this identification opens an energetic pathway in which change can occur.


139. Overcoming Obstacles to Living in God - Listen - 22:36" (June 23, 2019)

To experience the presence of the Divine in the midst of life's difficulties can involve a reaching for something that has not yet arrived but is hoped for. The reaching itself is important, for it opens an energetic pathway, separating one from blockages that may be present.


138. What is a Birthday Blessing? - Listen - 2:15" (June 16, 2019)

Short description of the ritual of re-consecrating an individual to their soul-pupose for taking birth through the bestowal of the blessings of the Divine Mother.


137. The Principle of Prasad - Listen - 11:40" (June 16, 2019)

'Prasad' is an offering of food that is part of puja, the Hindu ritual of making offerings to the Divine that comes from the Vedas. We offer 'prasad to each other when we desire to bless others in our life, and to receive blessings from them.  In this way, the principle of 'prasad' becomes the way of a sacred life.


136. Becoming the Breath of God - Listen - 25:44" (June 9, 2019)

The Breath of God is Divine life and Divine will that moves through one's consciousness when the ego is no longer in the way, desiring control. At such a time Divine Breath infuses the embodied being so that they become transparent to the Divine, a pure vessel of Divine intent.


135. Meditation on Letting Go - Listen - 11:07" (June 2, 2019)

134. Spiritual Materialism and the Ego - Listen - 26:01" (June 2, 2019)
A new stage has been entered for human conscioiusness, based upon the expansion of spiritual light upon the Earth. This stage is one in which there are no longer impasses because the proximity of the soul energy can provide a path forward in the presence of any degree of difficulty. Courage in facing fear is needed, and the willingness to go forward.
133. How to Change the World - Listen - 22:51" (May 19, 2019)
132. Aligning with the Soul - Listen - 25:16" (May 12, 2019)
131. Relationship and the Present Moment - Listen - 29:23" (May 5, 2019)

128. Offering and Unity - Listen - 22:42"  (April 14, 2019)

Offer yourself. Offer your life. Offer your feelings to the Divine, and in the same way offer yourself to others.  Life is about relationship, and relationship is about making offering of the deepest and truest part of yourself to others. To make offering is to create a sacred life.


129. Offering and Unity, Part 2 - Listen -6:54"  (April 14, 2019)

130. Offering and Unity, Part 3 - Listen - 7:29"  (April 14, 2019)


127. The Power of Love - Listen - 9:26"  (April 9, 2019)

In the inner space of silence we find the love that has always been with us, that we have been afraid to realize or to practice, holding on to our reasons for not doing so out of fear and the desire to remain in control of life.  Today, love calls us to affirm its potency to change life for all beings, and for the planet as a whole.


126. Light of the Mother - Listen - 10:51"  (March 31, 2019 - Part 2)

The Light of the Mother comes to us unbidden, born out of the graciousness of a Heart that seeks to bless all, to comfort all, to forgive all, and to uphold each being in the light of their own being which She is as well.


125. Finding the Safety that All Seek - Listen - 25:23"  (March 31, 2019 - Part 1)

There is no place and no time in which we are not safely held in the embrace of the Divine. Yet, most often we do not feel this. We feel vulnerable to the circumstances of life that cause us to feel unsafe. Safety lives within. It is based on the knowledge that only God is real, and that all that we see, feel, and know is held within that reality eternally. Awareness of this leads to the sense of safety within all circumstances, for we ARE that safety


124. Remaining Faithful to Love in a Time of Darkness - Listen -37:30"  (Jan. 27, 2019

We are called in this time to remain faithful to the inner principles by which we choose to live, principlesthat can build a society based upon love, kindness, and respect for all beings. This becomes difficult in the presence of forces opposed to love, forces which devalue its importance, and we must therefore be vigilant to not be swayed by these forces so that we disbelieve in the importance of love.


123. The Self-Existent Divine, 2: Beyond Dichotomies - Listen -5:55"  (Jan. 16, 2019

Spiritual traditions have historically claimed exclusive knowledge about the nature of Divine reality, not allowing for different prismatic relationships to the Dvine, all of which can simultaneously be true. All dichotomies regarding belief and faith are resolved in the Divine which is One.


122. The Self-Existent Divine - Listen -20:52"  (Jan. 16, 2019)

The mind can only grasp the unmanifest Divine by analogy to the human or by metaphor. The self-existent Divine One is lilmitless, having no name, no boundaries, nothing before it, nothing after it, nothing outside it, and nothing inside it.                                                           i


121. Introduction to Light Omega - Listen -58:29"  (Jan. 12, 2019)

History and background of Light Omega including its purpose as a carrier of the ancient teachings of light and purification, as well as its current work of manifesting the energy of love and unity that is the energy of the Divine Mother.


120. Lakota "Carry us with you." Listen -29;39"  (Jan. 6, 2019)

The plea by the Lakota elders in spirit to "carry us with you" is an anguished cry to be recognized and respected as equal in their humanity and culture and traditions to those of European descent. They are the dispossessed, the disenfranchised, the forgotten ones.



119. Celebrating Divine Life - Listen -9:40"  (Dec. 30, 2018

The path toward the Divine often begins with curiosity and contines with infinite variability and depth toward dedication and devotion. All beings, no matter what their outer professed beliefs, are returning home.


118. Christmas of the Mother, Part1 - Listen -38:55"  (Dec. 24, 2018)

A new Christmas has come to be that celebrates the joining of the past which honors Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with the present which honors Mother, Daughter, and Holy Soul. These are not two different versions of Divine reality, but one that has been revealed in two phasesl, the phase that has been known for more than two thousand years, and the phase that is emerging today.


117. On the Creation of Unity - Listen -19:32"  (Dec. 23, 2018)

The way of creating unity involves letting go of fear and self-protection, becoming self-aware, and being present in the present moment. The keynote of unity is the desire to love and serve others.


116. On Unity and Being Present - Listen -6:25"  (Dec. 23, 2018)

A brief expansion on the subject of creating unity with a focus on being present in the present moment.


115. Remaining Faithful to Foundational Truths - Listen -19:27"  (Dec. 9, 2018)

In this time, forces both within and without can create doubt and invalidation of our deepest foundational truths - the truths of our deepest heart.  In the presence of oppositional energies, it is important to remain steadfast, even when the 'feeling for truth' appears to be absent.  Even then, 'knowing' what is true can be held strongly enough.


114. Gratitude for Existence.  Listen - 20:24" (Nov. 25, 2018)

Gratitude for existence can best be felt when we are very present in life, experiencing what is rather than what we are thinking about.  Gratitude can be expressed as a presentness to all of life.


113. The Difference Between Needing and Sharing - Listen - 22:11"  (Nov. 4, 2018)

The place of wholeness lives within each one. Yet we think in terms of 'needing' someone to help us feel whole. This is not true though it may feel true.  From the place of wholeness we desire to share love with others as part of our deepest nature.


112. The Healing of Trauma - Listen - 4:30"  (Oct. 28, 2018)

Divine conscioiusness can heal any malady without exception. Yet, for the most part, purification is needed in which the trauma becomes conscious and is released to Divine light, love, and truth for healing. This interaction with light is an essential part of spiritual purification and healing.


111. 'Validation' as a Spiritual Concept - Listen - 19:44"  (Oct. 28, 2018)

The importance of validating the subtle whispers of the soul to the embodied self that deliver messages of guidance in the direction of growth cannot be overstated. Many experience these Divine whispers, yet the temptation may exist to not validate them and to turn away from them as if they are not perceived as real.


110. Principles and Practice - Moving into a Common Life - Listen - 16:56"  (Oct. 14, 2018)

The 'common life' is one that we share as diverse beings that have a core Essence in common. The 'common life' calls us to seek the good of all rather than the good of self, and to identify the good of self with the good of all.


109. Sacred Households - Living a Soul-Centered Life - Listen - 15:11"  (Oct. 13, 2018)

Intimate relationships become infused with the sacred when both participants can move to the soul level of their being in order to support each other and to work out differences when problems arise. A 'soul-centered' life is one in which the Divine is held at the center of all relationships, particularly the most intimate.


108. Finding Peace and Contentment' - Listen - 19:42"  (Oct. 7, 2018)

Three tributaries to the experience of inner pace: living in the present moment; living with a sense of 'rightness' about one's life; and self-wareness, the deepening knowing that one is not thoughts or emotions, but of the Divine. Self-awareness also includes the awareness of one's inner life without the presence of denial or avoidance.


107. Spiritual Progress: The Difference Between 'Feeling' and 'Knowing' - Listen - 7:22"  (Oct. 7, 2018)

Spiritual principles, to be entirely real, must be experienced through the embodied self. Often, such principles are 'known' or 'believed in' but not felt, creating a gap that can be times frustrating for the one who seeks to know the truth..


106. America - The Growth of Polarization - Listen - 11:17"  (Sept. 30, 2018)

At the time of Senate hearings concerning the nomination of Judge Bret Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  Polarization is a symptom of purification taking place on the national level, creating fear and mistrust  of others with different points of view, rather than belief in their common humanity.


105. Safely Held in the Divine - Listen - 23:25"  (Sept. 9, 2018)

We have learned to identify safety with things going well outside ourselves, enabling us to feel secure.  This is safety based on 'outcomes.' Yet, safety is more truly an internal state that is possible on a more continuous basis than 'outcomes' provide.  We can feel safe because we are held in God.


104. Living in Sacred Relationship - Part2 - Pain and the Present Moment - Listen - 9:35"  (Sept. 8, 2018)

Our internal awareness is part of the present moment as is our external awareness.  All is held together in a unity of perception that is whole, avoiding nothing, denying nothing, each moment complete within itself.


103. Living in Sacred Relationship - Listen - 17:02"   (Sept. 8, 2018)

To listen, to release the past and be fully in the present, to let go of projections and allow the 'other' and oneself to become new and unknown, these are the fundamental aspects of entering a sacred relationship.


102. Gateway to Spiritual Reality - Listen - 19:25"   (Sept. 2, 2018)

What is the attraction to learning about the sppiritual world and what awakens it? The desire to eliminate pain is one factor; the wish for a life of greater contentment is another. However the driving force is a motivation that occurs in the process of spiritual evolution, namely, the desire to know the self more deeply. 


Guruji-Ma listing begins here.


101. Spiritual Activism - Listen - 18:24"   (July 15, 2018)

We think of activity in terms of 'doing.' Yet, the activity of being responsible for one's consciousness and its effects is also a profound means of affecting change. Spiritual activism is an inner activity of participating fully in thelife of the planet.


100. The Courage to be Conscious - Listen - 26:25"   (July 1, 2018)

To be conscious is to be aware of the world within oneself and around oneself, a task which often requires courage. Both aspects are being called for at this time. For those who choose to take responsibility for consciousness, the universe offers support and blessing.  


99. The Divine as Inner Truth - Listen - 16:47"   (May 13, 2018)

The Divine seeks to manifest within Creation through the expression of our own deepest truth.  Our own deepest truth and Divine truth are one and the same, yet fear often keeps us from realizing this. When we align with truth, the human and the Divine are joined within us.


98.  Spirit into Spirit - Recognizing Soul Purpose - Listen - 16:33"   (May 5, 2018)


97.  Trusting Your Heart - Listen - 14:32"   (March 25, 2018)


96.  Finding Hope - Listen - 2:39"   (March 25, 2018)


95.  The Practice of Silence - No. 1Listen - 20:16"  (March 11, 2018) 

Accompanies the book, "Living Unity: The Practice of Silence." This book is about surrender and the process that it entails. Silence is not an end in itself, but a passageway to the place of joining of the human and the Divine.


94.  Letting Go of Clinging - Listen - 22:46"   (Jan. 14, 2018)

The antidote to clinging is trust in the Unknown, for clinging is a coping mechanism, based in fear, that arises when the human is perceived as separate from the Divine.  To reverse this, surrender through trust in the Unknown is needed, so that where fear was, love can enter.





93.  The Way of Innoncence - Listen - 8:50"   (Dec. 10, 2017)

Anchoring in innocence is most important when faced with situations that are difficult, harmful, or anger-provoking. More than a thought, innocence is a counter-force to darkness. 


92.  Creating Reality - Listen - 32:15"  (Nov. 26, 2017)

There is no solid reality 'out there.' We create it through our thoughts and interpretation of events.  In this time, we must learn to choose wisely and with discernment the reality we wish to create.


91.  Sound Current Immersion - Listen - 32:46"   (Oct. 22, 2017)

The concept of 'immersion' is an important one in our relationship with reality, for it allows us to be fully present to what is, rather than to be paying attention to our thoughts about what is. Entering the universal sound current is a meditative practice that can help us feel our oneness with all that is, in a progressive state of unity.


90.  Giving Everything to God - Listen - 26:58"   (Sept. 10, 2017)


89.  Letting Go of Identity - Listen - 4:40"   (Aug. 20, 2017)


88.  Welcoming the New - Listen - 20:23"   (Aug. 20, 2017)


87.  Prayer for the Dawning of Truth - Listen - 0:58"   (July 30, 2017)


86.  Meditation on Humility - Listen - 21:28"   (July 30, 2017)


85.  Meditation on the Light of Your Being - Listen - 19:43"   (July 23, 2017)


84.  Incarnation, Service, and Sacrifice - Listen - 25:23"   (July 16, 2017)


83.  Meditation on Surrender - Listen - 16:59"   (July 9, 2017)


82.  Meditation on the Source of Joy - Listen - 6:16"   (June 28, 2017)

We remember, in this brief meditation, that the source of joy is within.  It arises as part of our natural being.  


81.  Being Present Walking Meditation - Part 2 - Listen - 10:09"   (June 25, 2017)

80.  Being Present Walking Meditation - Part 1 - Listen - 11:28" (June 25, 2017)

To be in the present moment is to allow reality to be perceived without perceptual filters or need-states.  Walking meditation assists this learning by focusing attention on the body connecting with the Earth, allowing new awareness to emerge.


79.  The Truth of Belonging - Opening of World Peace and Prayer Day - Listen - 16:10"   (June 21, 2017)

We belong to the Earth and the Earth belongs to us.  The sense of being 'part of' is the truth of our being.


78.  Meditation on Oneness with the Earth - Listen - 10:25" (June 11, 2017)


77. Prayer for the Earth and All Beings - Listen - 1:07" (June 11, 2017)


76. The Healing of Mistrust - Listen

The healing of mistrust is a sacred process that involves all of humanity in overcoming the sense of separation that has led to fear.  Though these fears can be individualized, their overall foundation and origin is the sense of separation from God. To return to trust is to return to the innate sense of goodness that lives within one's own heart, that allows one to know the hearts of others.  24:22" (June 4, 2017)


75. Prayer to Serve Love's Presence - Listen - 0:52" (May 31, 2017)


74. Meditation on the Space of Love - Listen

A meditation to connect with the inner space of love.  Divine Love is a Presence that can be with you during the day.  9:00" (May 31, 2017)


73. The Gift of Being Present - Listen  - 28:07" (May 21, 2017 - Audio portion of video webcast)


72. Meditation on the Universe as Love - Listen

We are held in the embrace of love without knowing that we are so hed.  The fabric of the Universe is Love, and we are part of it, part of the Oneness that is.  9:58" (May 17, 2017)


71. Meditation on Silence - Listen

The place of inner silence is not empty, but a place of connection with one's deeper self.  Silence, beyond, thought and beyond emotion, opens the way to an experience of the Divine.  It is the gift of Being that lives within us that we bring as a gift to the world.  22:02" (May 14, 2017)


70. Meditation on Nothing is Lacking - Listen

Five minute meditation to become centered in the place of wholeness.  May be listened to throughout the day.  5:00" (May 3, 2017)


69. The Reality of Unfoldment - Listen

Change takes place at different speeds according to the development of one's consciousness.  From spiritual evolution, to transformation through human intention, to the Divine action of light, all is unfolding into greater wholeness.  14:36" (April 30, 2017)


68.  Divine Mysteries - Listen

An honoring of the Divine mysteries of the Mother coming through the Earth on this Easter day, as well as the Divine mysteries of the Father that are part of the traditional understanding of Easter.  30:19" (April 16, 2017)


67.  Meditation on Oneness - Listen

A guided meditation to the place that holds the knowledge of who we are.  8:03" (April 12, 2017)


66.  Meditation on Truth - Listen

A guided meditation to open the way toward the experience of unity with all.  8:00" (April 5, 2017).


65.  Meditation on Surrender - Listen

A guided meditation to foster the experience of letting go of fear and other habits of thought that seem intractable.  19:36" (March 26, 2017).


64. What Are You Willing to Become? - Listen.

An invitation to awaken to the holiness of the Earth and to life as a whole. Our relationship to the Earth is now capable of moving to a deeper level of awareness, understanding that we are one with the Being of the Earth and that the response that is deepest within us is reverence.  This recording has technical issues for the first 12 minutes and then is clear.  24:45" (March 12, 2017).



63. Yoga Center Amherst - Standing for Light and the Principle of Love on Inauguration Day - Jan. 20, 2017 - Order

Standing for something is different than standing against something.  It affirms the inner truth of the soul that can hold, even in the presence of other beliefs which define a different reality.  65 min.


62. Satsang with Guruji-Ma at the Yoga Center Amherst - "Embracing the Sacred at the Turn of the Year"  - Order

A celebration of the Divine that lives within all and an invitation to bring this part of self more fully into everyday life. New Year's Eve 2016.  65min.




60. Our Commitment to Compassion  -  Listen

Especially during times of conflict, when judgment rises within us toward people who think differently from us, compassion is needed to recognize all others as souls on their own path to God.  11:25" (November 6, 2016).


59. The Open Moment  -  Listen

Each moment in the life that is possible for us is open, for the soul in each moment awaits further unfoldment and further expression within the plane of time and space.  9:08" (October 15, 2016).


58. A Sacred Life with Others  -  Listen

To share a sacred life we need to trust ourselves more and to trust time more. Time allows the Divine flow to bring all things forward within the present moment.  In this reality, life is an encounter with each moment, asking us to pay attention. 8:27" (September 25, 2016).


57. Meditation on Letting Go of Fear  -  Listen

A brief spiritual practice that may be used when fear is rising and there is a need to let it go and find another response in both body and mind. 6:02" (September 3, 2016)


56. Meditation on the Deeper Self  -  Listen

This meditation offers an energy to help experience the deeper self. Listening is all that is needed rather than a particular technique. Its purpose is to create a pathway home.  21:52" (Sept. 1, 2016)


55. The Source of Nourishment  -  Listen

When groups of any kind meet to answer the question: "How can we together be nourished by the Divine within us, and how can we nourish each other?" such questions will form the spiritual infrastructure for a sacred society and the foundation from which all action may come. 10:05" (Aug. 21, 2016)


54. Purification Teachings - Separating from Emotions: The Return to Inner Being (PT4) - Watch Video

The way of going deeper through letting go and becoming unknown, in order to experience the place of rest and of homecoming. (26:21" (Aug. 14, 2016)


53. On Spiritual Nourishment  -  Listen

Spiritual nourishment comes from one's deeper self in connection with All-That-Is. It creates a sense of 'fullness' that lets the embodied self know that no matter what is going on, all is well.  10:28" (Aug. 7, 2016)


52. Becoming New  -  Listen

Each soul is evolving in its expression on this plane.  Becoming new is not a property of the will but a property of the life of the soul itself. 8:12" (July 24, 2016)


51. Being Present in the Present   -     Listen

Being present involves letting go of predictions based on past experience and of expectations regarding what 'should' be happening. One becomes new, part of God's unfolding being.  16:13" (July 17, 2016)


50. Purification Teachings - Living from the Divine (PT3)  -     Listen

The Divine core of our being is not meant to be separate from 'ordinary' life, but to express on the physical plane within all the activities of the day.  24:42" (July 10, 2016)

Watch video HERE.


49. On Not Taking Things for Granted  -  Listen

Each day contains moments of Creation that are similar to the Creation that was in the beginning, that is the arising of something new that asks to be noticed. 16:48" (July 3, 2016)


48. Purification Teachings - A New Reality (PT2)  -     Listen

The reality of expanding light bringing about greater contact with the soul and expansion of the heart in its longing for peace and unity.  28:39" (June 12, 2016)


47. Purification Teachings - The World as Energy - Part 1 (PT1)  -     Listen

Describes the basic concepts of spiritual purification and its reunification of the embodied self with its deeper being or Divine core.  21:49" (May 8, 2016)


46. There is Always Another Way   -     Listen

Moving from the mind to the deeper being to deal with life's questions and challenges from a place of rest, out of which truth emerges.  13:38" (April 11, 2016)




45. Your Heart Will Show You the Way   -   Listen

This one and a half minute brief teaching about love is timeless, with words that may touch your heart. 1:35" (May 25, 2014)


44. Joining Together in Light   -   Listen

Joining together in light involves a commitment to live life as a soul on Earth, freeing oneself of all exclusions to love that remain within the heart.  23:23" (May 25, 2014)


43. On Loving Oneself   -   Listen

Loving oneself is about honoring and about integrity. It is about honoring one's body, honoring one's emotions. and honoring the deepest truths the heart holds about what it values most.  12:21" (May 17, 2014)


42. Transformation and Change   -   Listen

Movements of our soul carry consciousness forward through time, creating learning of who we are and what life is about. Transformation accelerates this process, for here we make a conscious choice to say "yes" to the becoming of our own selves.  22:32" (May 11, 2014)


41. The Open Moment   -   Listen

We live, often surrounded by a cloud of anxiety that prevents us from being present to the larger reality we are in. God's intent is not this. It is for each soul to experience Divine freedom - the freedom of the open moment.  11:16" (May 4, 2014)


40. Your Sacred Body   -   Listen

Your sacred body is meant to vibrate within each cell with the energy of Divine light. This transformation brings a new consciousness, for it is not only mind that affects body, but body that affects mind.  19:47" (April 27, 2014)


39. Conversation with Guruji-Ma - Seeking the Peace Within   -   Listen

All beings have a place of peace within them that is rest, that is home, that is sanctuary. In this place one feels that nothing more is needed to do or to be.  30:35" (April 19, 2014)


38. Healing Relationships   -   Listen

All relationships in life can be healing relationships. They emerge from a willingness to be present to what is, to see with the eyes of the soul, and to let go of the need to change others according to a predetermined sense of how they should be.   17:53" (April 13, 2014)


37. Beginning a New Life   -   Listen

The capacity exists to be free of repeating the past when we are able to create a central relationship with God in the present moment. This releationship enables us to shape our identity around the unknown but new possibilities that arise from connecting with Source.  20:23" (March 30, 2014)


36. Conversation with Guruji-Ma - Letting Go of the Past   -   Listen

The way of trusting the present moment to bring all that is needed in the way of healing without reference to past identities, beliefs, or experiences.  36:47" (March 15, 2014)


35. Sacred Relationships   -   Listen

All relationships are meant to be sacred relationships, an encounter of the soul essence of one with the soul essence of another in love. 21:12" (March 9, 2014)


34. Divine Flow and Being Fluid   -   Listen

The key to attuning to Divine Flow is surrender. Yet, surrender must become unconditional, taking place in the absence of knowledge concerning why or how things will be. Love and trust are the basis for surrender rather than understanding.  24:40" (Feb. 23, 2014)


33. The Luminous Space of Inner Being - A Meditation   -   Listen

The path to the recognition of your inner being is open. It exists within each one as a space of luminous light that is home.  11:41" (Feb. 16, 2014) 


32. Coming Home to Yourself   -   Listen

There is a place within us that is of peace, innocence, and a sense of belonging to ourselves and to the universe. This is our spiritual home and the path is open to find it.  19:48" (Feb. 9, 2014) 


31. Not useable.


30. Acknowledging the Sacred   -   Listen

The sacred enters the realm of physical awareness, bringing with it a sense of God's reality, asking us to acknowledge it with gratitude and reverence and to remain in communion with it throughout the day. 12:57" (Feb. 2, 2014)


29. Messages from the Soul  -   Listen

Messages from the soul stream toward awareness conveying wisdom, joy, and a sense of rightness. Inner silence is needed in order to hear them, free attention disengaged from emotional demands.  11:00" (Jan. 26, 2014)


28. Living a Life of Love  -   Listen

Connecting with the Divine source of love within and understanding the blockages that sometimes occur as one moves toward this.  20:48" (Jan. 19, 2014)


27. The Way of Manifesting in Life - Letter to a Beloved One   -   Listen

Reading of a letter describing the 'way of manifesting' and the misconceptions that many hold about this. Difficulties in manifesting are felt particularly keenly in the financial area where many wonder why life has to be so hard. 8:02" (Jan. 6, 2014)




26. Honoring Oneself - The Need for Compassion   -   Listen

The need for compassion exists wherever separation from truth exists, and most especially wherever it exists in relation to the truth of one's own being.  27:37" (Dec. 8, 2013)


25. The Choice for Trust   -   Listen

Trust resides as a natural occurrence in the deeper layers of the heart. It is present as part of the soul's truth and can communicate itself to the conscious being as a sense of the goodness of life. This sense of goodness can be present even in the face of obstacles or difficulties.  23:23" (Nov. 24, 2013)


24. The Source of Hope Within   -   Listen

Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the death of President Kennedy, it addresses the inner source of hope that lives within each heart as the source for changing the world.  6:49" (Nov. 22, 2013)


23. Being in Relationship - A New Paradigm   -   Listen

The first in 'The Universe is One' series. This podcast is about moving beyond the premise of 'needing to get one's needs met' to 'becoming what one needs.'  38:12" (Nov. 10, 2013)

22. Innocence and Action: The Fear of 'Not-Doing'   -   Listen

The need to come into balance between the willingness to accept and the will to act is addressed here, with most people overbalanced in the direction of 'doing' out of fear of the consequences of 'not-doing.'  9:24" (Oct. 20, 2013)  PDF Version


21. The Priceless Gift of Truth   -   Listen

Revelation of the inner Divine self takes place moment to moment, conveying to consciousness what it needs to learn, what it needs to pay attention to. This is the gift of a sacred life.  21:03" (Oct. 13, 2013)   PDF Version


20. The Foundation of a Sacred Life   -   Listen

Remembrance of one's sacred identity is often covered over by immersion in the physical reality with which we are so familiar. To change this, longing must develop to experience something more - love, completion, a sense of sacredness. This longing activates remembrance.  9:43"(Oct. 6, 2013)  PDF Version


19. The Soul's Connection with the Body   -   Listen

Beyond the boundary of the skin, we exist in continual connection with all that is. Yet the gap between the vibration of the light of the soul and the vibration of the physical body has prevented human beings from experiencing this. Now, that gap is closing, allowing the body and the soul to resonate with each other.  7:42" (Sept. 29, 2013)  PDF Version


18. The Spiritual and the Practical   -   Listen

Many divide up life into two parts the spiritual and the practical, and base decisions on this dichotomy. In reality, there is no such division. There is only the history of separation creating the fear of not being able to manage life, and there is reunion with the Divine flow within as the path forward into the future.  18:07" (Sept. 22, 2013)  PDF Version


17. Gift of the Sacred Moment   -   Listen

The sacred moment is each moment in which the choice is open as to who you will be and how you will be. In God's reality all moments are open. You are free.  17:05" (Sept. 8, 2013)  PDF Version


16. Giving Helplessness to God  -   Listen

There is a connection between helplessness and fear that is habitual, not inevitable, that is based on lack of trust in the Source of life. Giving helplessness to God is the reversal of this and the pathway home. 15:01" (Sept. 1, 2013)  PDF Version


15. Commemoration - A Call to Love and Unity   -   Listen

On the fiftieth anniversary of the civil rights March on Washington under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., we are asked to extend the commitment of those dedicated souls to racial equality, to now include equality based on the unity of all in the kinship of all, as souls descended from a common Source.   6:53" (Aug. 28, 2013)


14. Return to Innocence   -   Listen

Becoming like a child, trusting, accepting, open, involves the release of fear and a willingness to live in the unknown, beyond the mind's understanding. This choice can be made in each moment.   14:01" (Aug. 25, 2013)  PDF Version


13. The Experience of Emptiness   -   Listen

Emptiness of knowing what to do or where to go is a common experience that can lead to fear. In this space of unknowing, the Invisible and Eternal is doing its work of changing, healing, and transforming the embodied self.   11:28" (Aug. 18, 2013)  PDF Version


12. Locating the Authentic Self   -   Listen

Longing opens the heart to reach deeper into the depths of inner being to locate the truth that is most essential to the self. This truth seeks expression in everyday life. It is the reason for having taken birth.   14:54" (Aug. 11, 2013)


11. The Principle of Unified Vision   -   Listen

This principle states that what appears to our senses as a physical reality that exists in and of itself is an illusion. Physical reality exists, but only as part of a greater whole that has multidimensional aspects on the higher planes of spiritual vibration.  5:17" (Aug. 10, 2013)


10. The Holy Word   -   Listen

This is a special podcast, the audio version of a "Blessings of the Light" message sent to the mailing list of www.worldblessings.net. It speaks of the Earth's new incorporation of the divine and holy Word into the central core of the Earth and the changes this will bring for mankind.  3:43" (Aug. 7, 2013)


9. Wholeness of Being   -    Listen

Living with a sense of peace and safety no matter what the external circumstances of life is a gift of awakening to the wholeness of your own being. Such a sense of safety is not inaccessible. It is an essential part of who you are.   16:31" (July 28, 2013)


8. Waiting as Spiritual Deepening   -   Listen

Waiting as an experience of helplessness calls forth a reaching out to the larger self to locate qualities of trust, faith, and hope. In doing this, a spiritual deepening can be activated. We regret the technical difficulties in this recording.   11:30" (July 21, 2013)


7. The Holiness of Who You Are   -   Listen

The most fundamental reality we live in is that of holiness. This is the Divine stream of life that does not divide itself up into practical and spiritual moments. It is present at all times.  12:11" (July 14, 2013)


6. The Importance of Remembering   -   Listen

There are certain structures of daily life that we practice without thinking - eating, washing, cleaning. The importance of remembering who we are in our deeper truth needs to become like this - something essential to our days that shapes the way in which we live.  7:36" (June 30, 2013)


5. The Road to Your Inner Being  -   Listen

Each human being is composed of different layers of experience, some, such as the emotional, seeming more real than others. The deepest layer is that of the core self, the divine Essence that is eternal and one with all.  12:42" (June 16, 2013)


4. All is Energy  -   Listen

A new perspective is emerging concerning the nature of interconnected reality and it is one of our continual relationship with all that is. This is not just a metaphysical concept, however, but an energetic reality that we become more aware of as light within us increases.  15:10" (June 9, 2013)


3. The Sense of Belonging  -   Listen

The sense of belonging to the unity of life would change everything - from feeling alone in dealing with one's personal dilemmas, to feeling upheld by and participating in the larger Oneness that is God.    12:45" (June 2, 2013)


2. Sacred Heart of Innocence  -   Listen

Innocence does not judge but opens to life with acceptance. In this it possesses the mindless mind of a young child, trustful, hopeful, waiting to be led.  13:23" (May 26, 2013)


1. Attunement to the Deeper Self - Breathing   -   Listen

A meditative exploration of the value of conscious breathing to shift energy and attention away from the mind to the deeper layers of the heart and to the soul.   9:26" (May 19, 2013)




Brief Readings by Guruji-Ma

We are very happy to share these podcasts with you.   Blessings - LIGHT OMEGA




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