Developing a Spiritual Practice


Julie of Light Omega

(This list contains selected articles from the Light Omega website and may also contain writings published on the Internet.  Audio portions are taken from the Calendar of Light which can be subscribed to separately. 

This list may be used as a starting point for an exploration of spiritual practices related to purification and transformation. A different level of understanding can be gained through regular listening to 'The Practice of Alignment' meditation, and also to "Developing a Quiet Mind."



Beginning a Spiritual Practice Series:

    The Importance of Beginning

    Creativing an Altar

    The Place of Illumnated Silence

    Moving Beyond the Mind

Becoming Light: The Sacred Practice of Alignment

The Practice of Alignment - AUDIO

The Practice of Sacred Breathing

When Giving Is Not Based on Receiving -

     The Sacred Practice of Opening the Heart



The Purpose of Silence

The Practice of Purity

The Principle of Containment

Waiting as a Spiritual Practice

The Practice of Purification - Releasing

Developing a Quiet Mind - AUDIO

Creating a Spiritual Practice Within Families

Spiritual Practices for Daily Life

Daily Reflections - Seeds of Light for Meditation and Practice


Article Section -  Purification, Selected Articles


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